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Vorabdrucke 2009
BUW-SC 2009/1:
A. Brandt, J. Brannick, K. Kahl, I. Livshits
A Least Squares based AMG solver for Hermitian and positive definite systems
Download: pdf, ps.gz
Überarbeitete Version: BUW-SC 2011/1
BUW-SC 2009/2:
Andreas Frommer, Behnam Hashemi
Verified Computation of Square Roots of a Matrix
BUW-SC 2009/3:
Thomas Beelitz, Bruno Lang, Peer Ueberholz, Paul Willems
Closing the Case t = 3 for 3D Spherical t-Designs Using a Result-Verifying Nonlinear Solver
BUW-SC 2009/4:
Xiaojun Chen, Andreas Frommer, Bruno Lang
Computational Existence Proof for Spherical t-Designs
BUW-SC 2009/5:
James Brannick, Andreas Frommer, Karsten Kahl, Scott MacLachlan, Ludmul Zikatanov
Adaptive reduction-based multigrid for nearly singular and highly disordered physical systems
BUW-SC 2009/6:
Matthias Bolten, Stephanie Friedhoff, Andreas Frommer, Matthias Heming, Karsten Kahl
Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Laplacians of Graphs
BUW-SC 2009/7:
Jacques C. R., Bloch, Tobias Breu, Andreas Frommer, Simon Heybrock, Katrin Schäfer, Tilo Wettig
Short-recurrence Krylov subspace methods for the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential
BUW-SC 2009/8:
Jacques C. R., Bloch, Tobias Breu, Andreas Frommer, Simon Heybrock, Katrin Schäfer, Tilo Wettig
Krylov subspace methods and the sign function: multishift and deflation in the non-Hermitian case
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 20.04.2022