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Vorabdrucke 1999
BUGHW-SC 99/4:
Andreas Frommer, Daniel B. Szyld
On Asynchronous Iterations
Download: ps.gz
BUGHW-SC 99/3:
Benedikt Großer, Bruno Lang
Using Pentangular Factorizations for the Reduction to Banded Form
Download: ps.gz
BUGHW-SC 99/2:
Benedikt Großer
A Toolbox for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition on Distributed Memory Computers
Veröffentlicht in: ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 80, Suppl. 3, S803-S804 (2000)
BUGHW-SC 99/1:
Peter Fiebach
PolMINRES and PolCG for Solving P(A)x = b
Download: ps.gz
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 20.04.2022